The following case study relates to a real life example of how we helped Samuel and Ashley, achieve the following results.


In tax savings


Business investments in property to increase overall profits


Surplus cash savings for further investments

Whilst this is an actual example, all personal details have been changed, for confidentiality purposes.

Our clients

Samuel and Ashley first became our client almost 4 years ago. Before acquaintance with ‘Accountant First’, their capital growth was inhibited due to the taxes and other related problems which their personal accountant was unable to overcome. They had a collaborative income of 95,000 AUD per annum which was able to suffice enough for them to set some aside for rainy days.


The mortgage on their home was paid and they had total savings of 230,000 AUD till date. Below is a brief story of how our financial advisors helped the couple on their pathway to capital growth.

Problems before consulting ‘Accountant First’:

  • Our clients had no tax plans and were paying almost 90,000 per year in extra taxes
  • Our clients had invested vastly in various ventures including business shares in banks, but had no idea on how to manage the capital growth on these investments.
  • With the diverse investments in assorted ventures, the risk of loss was also magnified if one or more of the stakes were to decrease which could lead to big losses on their behalf.
  • The couple’s super account was also not maintained properly which is a major setback for tax reductions.
  • Although the personal accountant kept their books up-to-date, they had no expertise in increasing the capital. The couple themselves did not want to be directly engaged in business activities, rather they wanted a reliable resource to help them increase their wealth.

Solutions suggested by ‘Accountant First’:

  • Our proficient financial advisors and chartered public accountants conducted a detailed research of the cash flows and the various investments which were made by the couple to gain an insight.
  • Our expert team members conceived various methods; short, medium and long term, to guide and invest the couple’s savings in order to increase the overall capital income.
  • A savings account was established in the Ashley’s name as she was not currently working and was not subject to taxable income.
  • The remaining funds, with the aid of equity extracted from the home loan, were used to create property assets which would later pay off.
  • A self managed superfund account was established with fixed funds which created a safe asset for the couple to be used later on.
  • The investments made earlier by the couple was sorted out to keep only those which were viable to increase the capital and the rest were sold off at different times in order to achieve the maximum profit.
  • Tax efficiency was ensured through our personal references with leading banks which aided in structuring the loans to have the least amount of tax liabilities.
  • Risk management strategies were put in place in to prepare in case of unfortunate circumstances to help the couple hedge against such mishaps.

Results after implementation of solutions:

Since adopting our recommendations, Samuel and Ashley have achieved the following:

  • Samuel’s and Ashley’s taxes have been considerably reduced to save almost over than 65,000 AUD per year.
  • With the aid of investments made in property assets, the capital of the couple has been drastically increased to over almost 477,000 AUD in the last 4 years.
  • The additional investments made recovered a net amount of 255,000 AUD in just four years time.
  • The couple’s super account currently stands at around 660,000 AUD which is subject to compound growth over time and significantly increases the couple’s capital growth.
  • The surplus cash flows in the couple’s savings is being put aside to make further smart investments to increase the overall wealth of the satisfied couple.

Post becoming clients

We meet with Samuel and Ashley at least twice a year to monitor their progress towards their financial goals, as well as to identify additional tax and investment opportunities that may be available to them.

We are one of the leading Australian Tax Consultancy Company.
We provide tax support services for Professionals, Individuals, Families and Businesses