The following case study relates to a real life example of how we helped Steve and Kristine Williams achieve the following results


In tax savings per year


2 additional investment procurement worth almost 338,000 AUD


Almost worth of self funding property investment

Whilst this is an actual example, all personal details have been changed, for confidentiality purposes.

Our clients

Steve and Kristine Williams had an effective and well planned investment structure to help them sustain and save enough for their children’s education. But their ineffective tax structures had them incapacitated to further increase their income and save more.


Mentioned below is a brief summary of their case study entailing how our leading experts at Accountant First with their extensive knowledge in family financial planning helped the Williams achieve their family goals in the shortest time conceivable?

Problems before approaching ‘Accountant First’:

  • Although Steve and Kristine possessed a modest investment and savings portfolio, their futile tax structure had incapacitated their ability to siphon additional wealth.
  • They had considerable expenditure equities but had no surplus cash flows to help make further investments to enhance their incomes.
  • The tax liabilities were considerably increased due to the principal repayments made on the investment loans which in turn provided zero return on principal.
  • The Williams were concerned that their current financial advisor lack the expertise to shepherd their investments to the next level to make their return on investments higher.

Approaches ‘Accountant First’ used to eliminate the problems:

  • Our experts conducted detailed analysis of the financial records of the Williams to help better understand their lifestyles and their targeted goals to be achieved in the shortest amount of time possible.
  • Our certified public accountants and family financial planning experts help device various approaches to be tested to achieve the most effective and efficient methods of cost reductions and smart investments.
  • Our experts in the field hooked up the Williams with leading expert relations to help them guide in better property and miscellaneous investments to help enhance their savings.
  • We helped them create tax-free funding facilities to help alleviate the taxes and help save more with smart investments.

Results after the implementation of ‘Accountant First’ Plans:

Since adopting our recommendations, Steve and Kristine have achieved the following:

  • We have successfully helped Steve and Kristine double their property profile in the last 5 years.
  • After the implementation of the road-map suggested by ‘Accountant First’ experts, the Williams saved around 67,000 AUD in tax savings and smart investments.
  • Over the past 5 years, Steve and Kristine have managed to procure 2 additional investment properties worth almost 338,000 AUD in net wealth.
  • Now they have a 668,000 AUD self-funding property profile, which benefits in the additional compound growth of their savings.

Post becoming clients

We meet with Steve and Kristine at least twice a year to monitor their progress towards their financial goals, as well as to identify additional tax and investment opportunities that may be available to them.

We are one of the leading Australian Tax Consultancy Company.
We provide tax support services for Professionals, Individuals, Families and Businesses